Ramayana by Bill Gates...
LAN, LAN ago, in the SYSTEM of I/O-dhya, there ruled a PROCESSOR named DOS-rat.
Once he EXECUTED a great sacrifice PROGRAM after which his queens gave an
OUTPUT of four SUNs--RAM, LSIman,BUG-rat and SED-rughana. RAM the eldest was
a MICROCHIP with excellent MEMORY. His brothers, however, were only
PERIPHERAL ICs. Once when RAM was only 16MB, he married princess 'C'ta. 12years
passed and DOS-rat decided to INSTALL RAM as his successor. However, Queen
CIE/CAE(Kayegayee), who was once offered a boon by DOS-rat for a lifesaving HELP
COMMAND, took this opportunity at the instigation of her BIOSed maid (a real plotter),
LAN, LAN ago, in the SYSTEM of I/O-dhya, there ruled a PROCESSOR named DOS-rat.
Once he EXECUTED a great sacrifice PROGRAM after which his queens gave an
OUTPUT of four SUNs--RAM, LSIman,BUG-rat and SED-rughana. RAM the eldest was
a MICROCHIP with excellent MEMORY. His brothers, however, were only
PERIPHERAL ICs. Once when RAM was only 16MB, he married princess 'C'ta. 12years
passed and DOS-rat decided to INSTALL RAM as his successor. However, Queen
CIE/CAE(Kayegayee), who was once offered a boon by DOS-rat for a lifesaving HELP
COMMAND, took this opportunity at the instigation of her BIOSed maid (a real plotter),